Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On the wrong side of the bed

This morning, I woke up very annoyed with everything that makes me angry. As in, everything that angers me, I was annoyed with. I'm human and I get angry, but that doesn't mean that I like it.

So I was thinking, in my anger, how to get rid of it. Venting my anger on the source seem to be the first choice. But then I thought back to a Wiccan book I read a while ago, and what the author said about preparing for a ritual. The author suggested to stand out side and let the wind take your negative energy away, so I thought maybe I could use this technique. Being a Kemetic pagan, Shu is the wind to me, and I've never prayed or offered to him, but I know he is strong. I didn't go out side (there were lots of children playing loudly outside and I thought my apartment parking lot was being worked on but it wasn't) but I did open the porch door and the kitchen window, and the window in my bed room. I do believe there was negative energy in the apartment in addition to my anger, but once I let the light in, along with Shu, the wind, in my apartment, my anger left and the  air in the apartment felt lighter.

So, Dua Shu!

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