Sunday, September 4, 2011

What is this?!

It's been a while since I've held up a blog, but since blogs are a good way to look back on your past and your past thoughts, I've decided to start again. The blogs of others are always fun to read, you can always learn some thing from other people, even if they're just complaining about whatever. Blogging is a way for a person to be heard and an out let for thoughts. Wait... Why I'm I talking about blogging and not telling you what my blog will include?

I'm going to be blogging about my spirituality, my art work, and my complaints, if they are not endless rants...

I'm a Kemetic pagan (I am solitary), and I'm looking into Tameran Wicca. The Netjer or Gods and Goddesses I find my self closest to are Horus ( Heru-sa-Aset and Heru-Wer), Hethert (Hathor), and Bast. I would love to get closer to Djehuty (Thoth), Aset and Sekhmet. I do worship Freyja on the side, in the Norse way (that I've looked up in Asatru books) just to honor the way my ancestors might have worshiped.

Anyway, I found yet another muse while listening to an online pagan radio station. I was working on a the beginning sketch of someones dog, and thinking about the Netjer. I have been wanting to have someone ask me to draw their cat (since I do pet portraits) but no one has a cat that wants a pet portrait. I think Bast put the idea in my head to draw her in an image of a cat in my life. Just take a picture of a cat and give it a Kemetic make over in the drawing. I've done this before 5 years ago in high school AP art, one of Heru and another of a hippo (I had no deity in mind when I did the hippo) in graphite. This was before I became a Kemetic pagan and I was still and Atheist at the time. I'm looking forward to doing this piece!

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